Have questions about BIA-ALCL?
Click on the headings below for answers.
About the Disease:
- What is Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)?
- How common is BIA-ALCL?
- How would I know if I had a case of BIA-ALCL?
Risk Factors:
- Are there any modifiable risk factors that make a patient more susceptible to BIA-ALCL?
- What do I do if I have a suspected case of ALCL?
- How should I manage a confirmed case of BIA-ALCL?
- How should BIA-ALCL patients be reconstructed?
- What is the prognosis of patients that are diagnosed with BIA-ALCL?
- How are patients followed for surveillance of BIA-ALCL?
More Information:
- Breast Implants: Lymphoma / Blood Cancer Cases Overview
- Breast Implants and Lymphoma: Summary of Information
- Breast Implants and Lymphoma: The Disease
- Breast Implants and Lymphoma: FDA Information
- Breast Implants and Lymphoma: Resources